With guides and loved ones
Be guided to a happier life
Opis storitve
This reading is in broken into 3 parts. In the first part you will receive evidence of what is happening in your life at the moment and in the past. Secondly, you will get a message from the guides, you will get instructions for a better life and what you are needing at the moment. Lastly, you will receive a message from a loved one what you need to make tomorrow easier who sadly is no longer with you. To branje je razdeljeno na 3 dele. V prvem delu boste prejeli dokaze o dogajanju v vašem življenju v tem trenutku in v preteklosti. V drugem delu, od vodnikov boste prejeli sporočilo, dobili boste navodila za boljše življenje in kaj trenutno potrebujete. V tretjem delu boste od ljubljene osebe ,ki nazalost ni vec med nami prejeli sporočilo, kaj potrebujete za boljsi jutri
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